Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Pizza and Pasta in a Funky Setting

Thursday was a public holiday in Singapore for Deepavali, so we used our day off to finally finish furnishing our apartment, as we seem to have given up shopping for furniture in favour of hunting down new restaurants. ‘Nothing wrong with that!’ I hear you cry, and you would of course be right. But there are times when needs must, so we jumped in a cab and headed up to Gillman Village to the fabulous Shophouse to find a bookcase.

And wouldn’t you just know it, we arrived just in time for lunch!

Right underneath another fantastic furniture shop, Originals, we found The Turquoise Room, a funky bistro/bar with whitewashed walls and furniture, interspersed with the odd turquoise finishing touch and swirly wall design. The menu was mainly pizzas and pastas which suited us fine and I ordered a Linguine with Prawns and Arugula and Mr Greedy Glutton opted for the Pizza with Pepperoni and Italian Sausage, and we both started with the soup of the day, the Lobster Bisque.

The food was great, the atmosphere serene and relaxing and my only regret was that I didn’t wash it down with a cold glass of white wine… but I was due to play tennis in the evening, and somehow tennis and white wine never mix very well…

The Turquoise Room, 7 Lock Road, Gillman Village

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